Major updates: beta firmware

I’ve just uploaded a Windows binary to github:

Let me know if you have any problems with it.

Thanks a lot it’s working!

So I make a patch with Owl Program make PATH=TestTone sysex then I load it with Owl Control but my patch is called template and it is recognized (knobs name are wrong,…). Any idea of the problem?

I will try again tomorrow…


You need to specify PATCHNAME!
e.g. put TestTonePatch.hpp into the PatchSource folder and make PATCHNAME=TestTone
see OwlProgram/ at master · pingdynasty/OwlProgram · GitHub

oups, I was using PATCH= instead of PATCHNAME=

by the way the new firmware is great. Thanks a lot for the great work.

I have a question regarding OwlControl. I have loaded a new patch ModDelay, I put it on Store 1 and load it then I save it to the OWL. If I power off and power on the Owl, my patch is not loaded but the Owl revert back to “Jot Reverb”.

Same with the Sensitivity setting I am stuck on High and cannot save any change to the Owl…

Any idea? Is it a know bug?

thanks Vincent, it’s a known issue:

What is the status of the new firmware? Any release plan?


Yes, working on it now - hopefully later this week!