Noisy parameter patch points

I tested the patch…
The Mordax unfortunately does not seem to be set up for precision measurements and due to a limitation of the Mordax I could not investigate all the parameters at the same scale level. But, what I found on my unit was:
The “spikes” in the noise appear to happen consistently about 200 μs apart.

Parameter 1, measuring at scale 0.1: High 0.1 V low -0.25 volts
Parameter 2, measuring at scale 0.5: 2.64 high 2.33 low
Parameter 2, measuring at scale 0.5, different display offset: 1.98 V high - 1.72 or 1.77 low
Parameter 3, measuring at scale 0.5: 2.94 or 2.89 V high - above 2.64 low

Parameters 4 and 5 voltages were too high to get into display range at a useful scale.

So although these measurements are not precise it looks like I got a consistent noise range of 0.3 to 0.35 V regardless of the signal voltage.