About that note in the Lich manual

This module is the first collaboration with one of the brightest minds
in eurorack: Martin Klang, the man behind Rebel technology.
Befaco Rebel is the battle name we choose to bring you kick ass
modules. We could not be more thankful for this oportunity! Stay
tuned as this is just the begining…

So is there more collaboration planned? Any hints?

I’m already delighted by Lich - OWL support & flexibility in a DIY kit is perfect for me. Just wondering what else we have to look forward to.

Oh sweet, I’d not seen that - thanks guys for the complement! Pretty sure that wasn’t in my proof reading copy.


That’ll be in next year’s poop log! (sorry, catalan joke)

Alas no, we never give anything away regarding works in progress.
It’s bad luck, apparently. And it never works out as planned, anyhow. As soon as you put a target down, you’re sure to miss it.

So no, never a slip of the tongue. Not even the tiniest hint, and definitely no leaks. Just the occasional calçot. Watch this space.

And the worst kind of luck is when you promise that it would be ready in 2-3 months, ahem.