Apache Jena reasoner with python

I use apache jena fuseki as server sparqlendpoint interface for execute query sparql on an ontology OWL that is loaded on server apache jena. The queries are executed through python languages.

I have need that the results of query must be the consequence of process the reasoning.

How I do at configure the reasoner with apache jena fuseki?

I use library sparqlwrapper for SPARQL Endpoint interface to Python.

defines the URI of the endpoint and the query to send

uri = “http://localhost:3030/Hotel/query
query = (“PREFIX : <http://www.semanticweb.org/ontologies/Hotel.owl#> "
“SELECT ?hotel ?price WHERE {”
" ?hotel a :Hotel. "
" ?hotel :hasPrice ?price }”)

obtain a connection to the endpoint and sends the query

sparql = SPARQLEndpointInterface(uri)
rs,fields = converter(sparql(query))
And this is the define the function sparql:

def __call__(self, statement):
This function sends the query to the SPARQL end-point.

statement: query in string form to send.

resultset: the result-set list in JSON format.

resultset = []
print("SPARQLInterface is executing the query...")
    t0 = time()
    rs = self._sparql.query()
    tf = time()
    resultset = rs.convert()
    print("Query has been executed successfully!\nTime elapsed: {0:.3f} seconds.".format(tf-t0))
    raise Exception("")
return resultset

I think you’ve got the wrong OWL!

Our ontologies are strictly musical. For the semantic web maybe have a look here instead.