AusSend Patch

This is my first Patch, a simple Aux Send emulation. Uses the left channel as pass through, and the right as fx loop, that in the end gets mixed to the left channel. Mainly useful with delays, allowing you to send only some notes to the loop (best used with the exp. pedal).

I am not a C++ developer, neither am I used to DSP programming and the like, so any tips are very welcome! You can guess…I mainly looked at the “Gain” and “SteroeMixer” Patches to create this patch.

it’s here:


Hi Ben,

Great patch idea ! That’s a nice way to use the exp pedal.

  • when computing l and r in block n, you might want to use gain ramps instead of constant gain values, this will prevent clicks.


Hey Giom

Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, clipping was one of my main concerns.

Gain ramps, right. I dont know them (I’m really starting from scratch, you know). Do I need to implement this myself, or is there anything available “out of the box”? Thx for any hints.


aaah. Just reading about Feedback Loopers, would be nice to extend it to be one as well.

For the gain ramp:

At the end of each audio block, store the gain value as oldGain.
At the beginning of each audio block, get the new gain value as newGain.

Let n be the size of your audio block.
A gain value can be computed for each sample by linearly interpolating between the old and new gain values :
for k between 0 and n-1 :
gain = ( oldGain*(n-1-k) + newGain*k ) / (n-1)

gain is equal to oldGain for k=0, and equal to newGain for k=n-1.

thx, giom! honestly, dont get it yet, but will try to, hands on might help.

so long.