Hi, I have problems with some Lich Patches which are full of noise. Others work perfectly.
The bad ones (that I want dearly to work): Silky Reverb and Tap Tempo Delay (Pingpong-Delay). Some other delays have the same problem (Tempo-Synced Delay, Ping Pong Lich, Delaytrix). Turning the A-knob brings bad noise.
In contrast, most of the patches are ok: Harmonic Oscillator, Grainz, Melsputter, Free Verb, Arp-Shifter, Arp with Delay, PingPong w/mod, Fripp-in-a-box, Jot-Reverb, Owlgazer Shimmer Reverb, Rings Reverb. Dual Frequency Shifter …
Any hint to solve this?