Broken OWL

Hi, I think I broke my OWL. I’ve no idea how but I’m getting a UsageFault on the IPSR register. The program counter is at 0x80092D4. I suppose that’s where the interrupt is defined.

When I power up the OWL it blinks the red LED once and stays on.

I tried uploading OwlBoot and OwlWare into a Discovery board and it seems to run ok. This makes me think that the problem is with the microcontroller itself, but I’m not sure.

Any idea on how to debug this?

So you’ve got a programmer connected? Have you tried without?
Tried with a known version of the firmware like v12?
Can you enter DFU mode by holding the pushbutton down on start?

0x80092D4 is in the firmware flash region, which would indicate that the bootloader has started and jumped to the firmware image. If that works it seems unlikely to be a hardware problem.

Yes, I have a JLink. Without it, the problem persist, but connecting the programmer after booting the OWL I see a HardFault interruption.

I tried v12 and v11. It’s the same.

I also can enter DFU and upload the firmware. Again, I get the same result.
So, yes, the bootloader seems to work fine.

Could you send me a copy of OwlWare.bin? Just to discard compiler issues, but I doubt it’s a compiler problem, I tried the 4.9.3 from the ubuntu repository and the 5.2 from launchpad.

Here’s a link to v12 modular:

There’s actually a list, in XML form, here:

Let us know how it goes!

Ok, it was my binary file. Now is working.

I have to investigate why my version of OwlWare stopped working.
