Hello! I built some patches in pd that send midi cc out to a Boss DD500 delay pedal, which adds complex modulation and sequencing of delay parameters. I would really like to run these directly out of my Alchemist via USB into the Boss DD500. Does the Alchemist have midi cc out capacities? I saw an earlier thread from March 2019 that suggested this was in development (for OWL modular), but don’t know where things stand now. My programing skills are limited to pd and some Max/MSP. Thanks!


Alchemist and your delay pedal only have USB device ports, but you need to connect USB device to a USB host. So you can’t connect them directly, you need something between them that would route USB data. It could be a laptop or something like Raspberry Pi.

Regarding sending MIDI/CC from Max, I can’t tell for sure because I don’t use it. I know that there’s a test patch for PD that has CC sending - OWL Patch Library – Rebel Technology . You could try using the same object names in Max, that may work since they use the same compiler backend.

At least I can tell that it’s trivial to send CC from C++ patches.

Thank you for the reply and the suggestions. Good to know!!!

Btw, there’s something else that may work in future for this use case. There’s been some progress for Serial MIDI support, I think that there’s a good chance that we’ll have a firmware release that allows using it later this year. So if you really wanted, you could literally drill a hole in Alchemist, add a stereo jack and resistor for MIDI output and connect that to pedal’s DIN MIDI input with adapter cable. This would require building a custom hardware with serial MIDI enabled.

Not sure if you’re willing to perform such hardware mod, otherwise you could try some kind of adapter that has USB host on one end and serial MIDI output on another. They exist, i.e. this, maybe there are some cheaper options.

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You can send MIDI CC (or any other MIDI) over the USB connection, but as antisvin points out the device only has the USB device port, same I believe as your DD500. If you have both your Boss and your Alchemist connected to a computer or another host then you could route messages through that.

Max Gen does not support MIDI CC output, but in C++, FAUST and Pure data we have full MIDI in/out support.

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