CV inputs and non factory patches with witch

Hi Folks,
I realise that this question is best answered by experiment … but I’m away from my witch right now and just pondering :slight_smile:

Do the CV inputs on the knobs act on non factory preset patches, or does there have to be code in the patch to specifically enable this?


Yup, CV inputs are always available. The OWL firmware doesn’t actually has a concept of CV inputs/outputs, but it has 40 parameters. So depending on hardware used some of them would be set by CV, others by MIDI only.

Thanks … so, forgive my pedantry, just to be even clearer: Would a patch written to use knob A treat a cv on the socket above that knob as a variation in the same parameter? … are the CV and knob summed in hardware (or the underlying core firmware, I suppose) or are they actually different parameters that need explicitly summing in the patch software?


You don’t write patches dealing with knobs, only parameters. In case of Witch, there are separate ADC inputs for capturing analog signal from knobs and CV inputs. They are processed by firmware as you’ve guessed correctly, this not exposed to patches that only know about the resulting parameter. So on Witch the parameter value is based on sum of knob position and attenuated CV with smoothing applied.