I am trying to build OwlProgram in order to be able to be able to locally build patches.
However, some referenced files (registerpatch.cpp & .h) are not downloaded from git hub.
Can you please help?
thanks in advance,
I am trying to build OwlProgram in order to be able to be able to locally build patches.
However, some referenced files (registerpatch.cpp & .h) are not downloaded from git hub.
Can you please help?
thanks in advance,
Those “registerpatch.*” are not a part of github repo. They are generated dynamically when you’re building patches. So you should explain what exactly are you doing, i.e. what command you use for building, on which OS you’re building and for which target device, etc.
I am trying to build the code on a Windows platform and want to create a ‘sysex’ file for downloading into the flash slots on an Owl pedal. The source code for my patches are written in C++.
I modified the ‘makefile’ to recognise a new command such that it compiles my specific patch file (along with the library files). The process runs and builds the library files but then terminates when it can’t find the ‘registerpatch’ files. The command used is: ‘make DEVPATCH sysex’ where DEVPATCH is my new command.
Thanks for your help,
To build patch for Owl, you’ll be running something like:
make PATCHNAME=... sysex
If you can build sysex files like this, then the issue is caused by whatever you run as DEVPATCH. And nobody can tell what’s wrong with it until you post it. So what does DEVPATCH do in your Makefile?
the makefile has:
else ifdef DEVPATCH
PATCHFILE ?= DevPatch.hpp
devpatch: ## build test patch
@echo Building DevPatch
@$(MAKE) -s -f compile.mk compile
Ok, so you’re trying to build with that command, but you’re not building patch dependencies. Here’s what we have in Makefile for another command:
patch: $(DEPS) ## build patch binary
@$(MAKE) -s -f compile.mk compile
So your command is missing " $(DEPS)" which triggers building patch dependencies (which includes generation of registerpatch.* files) before building patch files. Try adding it.
Thanks Antisvin. I’m not able to get the dependencies to compile yet, but will work on that.