I don’t really have requests, but plenty of ideas (maybe too much of them):
- feedback, various options for delay syntax, how to use it for Karplus-Strong synthesis
- panning, mixing, amplitude and loudness
- envelope followers, compressors, side chain compression
- making a MIDI voice
- making a CV-controlled voice
- audio rate modulation: AM, RM, FM, PM
- different filter shapes
- comb filters and allpass filters
- wavetable oscillators (with wavetable morphing, no less!)
- bandlimited oscillators
- bitcrushing and samplerate reduction
- noise, noise colors, chaotic oscillators
- using sample buffers
- filter banks and vocoders
- vowel synthesis
- physical modeling
- most common delay based effects: delay, chorus, flanger, pitch shifter
- allpass filter based effects: phaser, barberpole phaser, frequency shifter
- reverbs
I think this would be enough to keep you busy writing tutorials during Covid-20 (that started from Danish minks) and at least half of Covid-21(from Mexican hedgehogs, to be announced later).