Feature request: Accidental XFM Oscillator Avoidance

hi all,

I’m getting ready to use the OWL onstage next week for the first time, in a crowded venue, and something keeps happening that a) makes me wonder if it’s happening to everyone else and b) makes me wonder if there’s a way to avoid it.

So I’m changing OWL presets onstage, a finicky but manageable skill at best. Invariably, at least once per rehearsal, no matter what preset I’m trying to change to, I end up inadvertently landing on the XFM Oscillator, which no one within hearing distance is happy about. I never accidentally land on any other patch. If I’m thinking of the XFM Oscillator as being located in C8, “the last LED at the end of patch bank C”, and I load the user presets I require into E5 E6, and E7 so as to never accidentally land on C8, it doesn’t matter, it still happens.

Thus: has anyone else reported this? Is my OWL f*cked up? Is anyone using the XFM Oscillator in practical performance situations? No disrespect to @hibrasil, I love all of your patches! And I will certainly use the XFM Oscillator on purpose someday, but…I do wonder if the extremely valuable preset real estate might be slightly better served by a different patch, or at least one where if you accidentally land on it it doesn’t completely change the tenor of your gig.

Juuuuust wondering,

oops sorry! you should be able to customise what patches you have loaded to avoid it… i can’t remember how

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