I’ve got the compiler and all that up and running but when i use make PATCHNAME=somethingsomething run
I get an error message from the firmwaresender (I think)
Sending patch ringmod to OWL-MIDI to run
JUCE v3.2.0
*** Leaked objects detected: 1 instance(s) of class MidiOutput
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_LeakedObjectDetector.h:95
*** Leaked objects detected: 1 instance(s) of class Thread
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_LeakedObjectDetector.h:95
*** Leaked objects detected: 2 instance(s) of class WaitableEvent
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_LeakedObjectDetector.h:95
*** Leaked objects detected: 1 instance(s) of class MessageManager
JUCE Assertion failure in juce_LeakedObjectDetector.h:95
I seems like it is working as it is supposed to and my OWL gets the patch, but is there something I should be aware of or do differently?