Gen~ compiler - fatal error: bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 256

Hi - i did some extremely absurd stuff to load in preset values for Data objects inside gen - and have unfortunately hit an error on the compiler. I see that I can roll my own compiler but perhaps you can adjust the compiler and test a build of this . It is a total hack but also a test to code values into gen data through the codebox. Would be appreciated!

  • error states “note: use -fbracket-depth=N” to increase bracket levels on the compiler. maybe 1024 is possible?

1024 brackets… that sounds like LISP to me!

Btw, I would definitely suggest trying to use local compiler if you want to do weird things.

tell me about it - was a weird journey to get values into gen data buffer…but it worked, so I guess Cycling thought of it haha. Problem now is the compiler not liking this horror hack. It does make me wish there was a way to use buffers and samples from the ram or something, but I have no idea how that will work, since buffers have to be outside of the gen object - maybe some way of referencing them can be coded to link to files but that is beyond.

Luckily the patch works!

With the selector in a loop - you can only get away with 253 samples or something, You can of course do some buffer surgery and split your value strings into more poke loops and selectors per single buffer which is redicluous and probably its just easier to hard code every poke of a value with a command - so like thousands of commands, one after the other. I scoured the forums for anyway to process lists or manually create a buffer in gen but couldn’t find a thing - so ended up with this.

Of course we are beyond hardcoded wavetables in 2021 but this is simple stuff that should be possible…even in gen…and theres something fun about ripping old wavetables and throwing them into projects.

I found some posts from 2017 about the brackets errors and it looks like it has to be done during the compiler build - or maybe its built into newer version - but yeah I’d rather not cause an apocalypse on the online site for now.

Maybe its time to check how to edit the .cpp to throw in values for a buffer…

another question - if one builds things locally, can we still throw patches into the site share?

Yeah, it would be much better if you store it as C(++) header and read values from it by editing generated file. Also, soon it would be possible to load data from flash storage, similar to how you would load data from filesystem on desktop. Not sure how exactly it would work for gen~, but I think there would be some way to handle it.

yeah better than this haha