Hardware: Input sensing possible?

Can an OWL sense, if i use only one (say the left) input, or both of them, and if so
can that info make it into a PD patch as well?

Thanx for any insights!

You mean if we can detect in software if something is plugged in to the input jacks? Not easily.

The jacks we use on both the OWL Pedal and Modular have a switch pin, which is disconnected from the input pin when a jack is inserted.

The difficulty with sensing this pin is that you really don’t want to load or otherwise interfere with the input. On the pedal the input impedance is very high, 1M, and on the modular it is 100k, which means that simply sensing it with a pull-down resistor is difficult.

Instead we use the switch to connect the left input to ground if nothing is connected.
The right input is ‘normalled’ to the left, which means that if nothing is plugged into the right input, the signal is taken from the left.
This way we have less extraneous noise, and you can still use stereo patches and both outputs with only a mono input signal.

What did you have in mind for this?

Hi Martin, I should have tried disconnecting the right input from the OWl, and i can confirm, that plugging only the left input leads to this signal being distributed within the unit as a mono signal on both channels, though without level compensation. Good enough for me.

Near perfect. To make it fully foolproof (for people like me) one could apply the logics you have already, but as well vice versa, so that one could use just the right input leading to this signal also being distributed to the left channel. However, not fixing this actually leaves room for extra applications.

So thanx for solving my question already. One could sense levels within a pd patch, too, but i am glad i don’t have to.

I am sorry, i have to get back to this again. Could the right input supply a data feedback to PD?
Like [r Channel-Input-R] or so set to either 0 for nothing plugged in there or set to 1, if used? Or even both inputs?
I am asking, because for instance this type of feedback could tell an autopan to act like a double time tremolo, if [r Channel-Input-R] reports 0, therefore must be unused. It’s not just a technical quest, i have a musical application for this.

Thanx for consideration.