Help: previously working gen~ patch no longer compiling [FIXED]

[FIXED] : patch naming error


For some reason, a few working gen~ patches I made for the LICH are no longer compiling online. They were fine in the past, but something in the last few months of them sitting online has made them not work? Here is the error the complier throws:

/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: “(” unexpected
make: *** [Makefile:100: /tmp/owl/owl-build-robnGl/registerpatch.h] Error 2
ERROR: Patch build failed.

I’m really confused, since I haven’t been on in months. Did I miss a compiler update or something like that?


The error message seems to indicate that you have a “(” character in patch name which interferes with something in scripts used to compile patches.

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Oh, wow! Thank you! I thought there was somethigng wrong with the makefile or something. How funny, I never got that error in the past!

Thanks again!