Howl Release - v0.1.3-experimental

Howl is a virtualised build environment to build and run patches on OWL devices with your computer from the command line.

I released Howl v0.1.3-experimental today on git. :sunny:

Main Features:

  • Installer
  • Various CLI commands to build/run patches, run tests, list devices and many more
  • Basic documentation

This release supports CPP patch language only and is in need of testing within the community to improve and maintain stability. I will update the README with a quick demo video soon.

You can find the release and the release notes here: Release v0.1.3-experimental · bfabricius/howl · GitHub

If you experience issues that can be recreated, please use the issue tracker here: Issues · bfabricius/howl · GitHub
…or post questions here in the release thread or send an email to

You can find details on the history of the software and (current) development process in this thread: Howl - Self Contained Build Environment for OWL - #28 by bfabricius



Sounds pretty cool, nice work! Are you likely to add puredata patch possibilities at a later date?

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Hey @sinewave440hz,

Yes, I will add pd, faust and gen support in the next experimental releases working up to 1.0.0 stable which should finally contain support for all languages. I just wanted to have people already have a go with this now that c++ works.


Perfect. In that case, I will mention it at the Stockholm pd meetup I’m holding on the 9th. I’ll try the c++ version too, even though I haven’t taken that approach with my OWL yet. I’m flirting a bit with c++ these days though…

That’s awesome! Does the pd meetup have a webpage I can take a peek at?

FYI: There is one c++ test patch included in the sources at ./patches/cpp/GainPatch.hpp . It’s a simple attenuator you can get started with. The Readme should have some information on how to build / deploy it. In addition I will add some demo videos per release, so stay tuned for that… you could probably use this demo for the meetup once available too.

Let me know if you have any issues or questions I can help with. Looking forward to hearing your feedback.


Well, it’s still fairly low key…57 sonic explorers, but only 5 attending the first meetup so far. Hopefully I can grow it over a few meetups…

I’ll get back to you when I’ve taken a look at the project

Looks good, surely you’ll get more traction over time. Talk soon and greetings to Stockholm, love that city!