Decide to centralize informations/questions about INs, OUTs, CVs and GATEs usage in gen~
In L :
- audio In automatically scaled to a -1 to 1 signal out of the
in 1
object in gen~ - CV In L (from 0 to 10V), scaled to a -1 to 1 signal out of the
in 1
object in gen~. Don’t know why but the signal is inverted in gen~, so you’ve to inverse it back with the* -1
In R :
- audio In automatically scaled to a -1 to 1 signal out of the
in 2
object in gen~ - CV In R (from 0 to 10V), scaled to a -1 to 1 signal out of the
in 2
object in gen~. Same here, need to be inverted.
CVs In (A, B, C D) from 0 to 10 V are added to corresponding knob value (from 0 to 1)
- so you get a signal from 0 to 10 out of “param A”, or B, or C, or D object in gen~ and you should set the @min and @max accordingly ??? param object clamp signals, but does it doing some sort of scaling in the same time???
Gate 1 and 2 normalized with the corresponding buttons:
- signal of 0 or 1 from “param Button A” or B object in gen~ according to the state of the gate in signal
In gen~ all outputs are audio signals, so to convert to CV outputs the values will be averaged each block. For triggers and gates (out 5
), any value within the block that is over 0.5 will set the output high, otherwise it will be low.
The values sent to these outputs (out 3
, out 4
and out 5
) from gen~ should be scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 before entering to “out” object in gen~. Signal will be converted to full scale unipolar CV or trigger/gate output.
You can offset the output of out 3
or out 4
by adding tenth of volts. For instance adding 0.5 to the signal before leaving gen~ will offset the output by 5 V.
Finally, you’ll have to define out 3
, out 4
and out 5
parameters using the online compiler as follow :
And don’t forget to compile again your code before loading to Lich :