Is it possible to limitate the numer of patch inside the OWL?

Hi everybody,
I found very difficult to change patches during a live and knowing what patch i am choosing. I mean: if i have a little display i can visualize the name of the patch but in this case I have turn continuos knob, so i am not sure that i found the right one, so, is it possibile to limitate the numer of patch inside the OWL?
Maybe only to the four i decide to upload inside…
Thank you in advance

Best wishes,
Walter Cesarini

P.S. Or Maybe do you have a better idea to be sure i have choosen the right patch? I want to change it without the graphical help of the pc…

We’re aware that changing patches in a live environment is a bit awkward.

Currently we don’t have a way to limit the patch set, but there’s work going on which will enable you to save and delete any presets you want.

That is very good news, Martin. Is there a roadmap for this update?