
This might be an insane suggestion but it was a thought I had.

Would it be possible to port libpd to the OWL? The library already runs on android smartphones so it seems to work on moderately low-powered ARM devices, though I’m not sure if the lack of a filesystem or anything more than a processAudio() API would be a blocker?

I might have a look at it myself sometime, but I wondered if anyone else had thought of this, or realised it was just ridiculous :slight_smile:


This is one of the really exciting things which I think is probably do-able and would love to spend some time on, once production is out of the way. If you get it working first, let us know!
One limitation of our processor is that it does not have NEON extensions, but I’m not sure that libPD is dependent on those. A small, simple FAT filesystem could even be implemented using the on-chip flash memory.

I’ll download it and have a look :slight_smile: