Hello ,
i would like to use my owl on stage with my upright bass so as to get good attack on my Diy piezo signal .
I own an hardware 500 elysia nvelope that does this job perfectly in a studio but it’s not possible to use it on stage .
Do you think the owl is able to provide some kind of solution ? Is it possible to modify a compression patch to do it ? or "translate " an transient designer plug in algorythm ?
You may have understood I’m still just a patch user who try to learn how to understand this cool pedal
I’m not familiar with hardware transient shapers like this, looks interesting. I wonder how they work!
So you want a sharper attack, with more of a thwack?
Did you already try to use one of the compressors from the library, e.g.
Thanks for your reply
Hi what is a thwack ?
I will try the comp patch but I allready have a good hardware comp …
The transcient shaper is a comp that only works as a boost or cut on the begining of the sound. That can work as a sustain shaper too with the comp pump effect (with very slow release) on the transients.
That ´s a very powerfull and fun tool . Suitable for all string plucked instruments and percussions . Incredible on drums… I can record an extract of what it does if that can help. (I work in my studio with an Elysia Nvloppe hardware comp and with an SPL transient designer plug in )
I tried the MDA transient on my owl with my piezo pickup on my doublebass and it’s awsome !!! Punchy and clean big sound !!!