Hi - getting back into testing Lich gen~ patches with wav files from storage with the PR created by @antisvin . To do this i’ve setup a local environment on Windows with Msys2 and for the most part it seems correctly adjusted to work now (some directories had to be pointed to and etc) but the main thing is that patches must be sent to Lich with FIrmware Sender - or is there some other way to do it?
Firmware Sender Build seems super old for windows and I believe it is causing the Lich to error out. Theres an F on the screen after uploading the patch. If it is supposed to still work with lich, then maybe i’ve got some other issue. I saw there have been some updates to Firmware Sender (15 months ago) but no idea how to compile it. If you can’t build it maybe we can do it together.
Would be good to get this done and push the PR along, as resource loading would be insane on lich…i think. Or please add it to the web compiler!