New module - Oneiroi

I’m not sure if there’s going to be an official announcement here, but they’ve let the cat out of the bag and the biggest OWL-based module is finally public:


Other Oneiroi demos published by Befaco so far:

I saw that on YouTube a while ago - maybe Superbooth 2024? I did not realize it had an OWL module inside. I might just have to get one now.

Incidentally, I just today got my hands on a used Magus! It’s in great shape - I’m having a blast playing with the Lorenz oscillator. It’ll probably be a few weeks before I’m ready to dig into the firmware. I’m making a chaos-based album and the Magus will definitely be Lorenz-ing on it.

Yes, they’ve presented it during Superbooth this year, although the development was going for quite some time. I can tell that Oneiroi patch also uses Lorenz attractor for its random LFO waveshape. And another chaos function as audio rate noise source.

That reminds me … is the Genius still available? I like the Oneiroi but I don’t see any point in running anything other than the default patch on it.

I’m not involved in their business, so can’t really comment. But from my general understanding, you will only be able to buy any non-used hardware from Rebeltech if it’s produced by Befaco and is sold in their store.

I think it was made and sold entirely by Rebeltech directly and Martin put everything on indefinitely long hiatus, so it’s not available unless things change. It certainly can run any OWL patch, the demos might be chosen to showcase a faster MCU. Effectively it runs on a custom PCB that is like a downsized OWL3 - same parts are used, but it fits in 10HP (OWL board needs 12HP at the very least).

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The Oneiroi sounds so good out of the box that I’m struggling to think of why I’d want to run an arbitrary patch on it, especially since I have a Lich and a Magus and they have plenty of horsepower. In either case it’s likely to be September before I have time to learn a new synth; I just got the Magus and a few other ambient / chaos machines.