Is there any new post for 3 weeks.
Hello! Yes it’s been eerily silent on the blog and forum lately. Is no-one making any patches?
Here at Fort Rebel we’ve been busy sound-proofing a room for studio use: 1.2 tons of plasterboard now fitted! Also, of course, working hard on finalising the designs for the next few products. We’ve got a couple of announcements coming up, so stay tuned!
I’ve been working on a patch, but it’s sounding like crap.
So I think I will start a new one… Maybe something like an auto-wah or a ring modulator. The new ring Moog pedal sounds awesome.
Inbetween I installed humbucker-sized P90 on an Epi ES-339. Sounds dawn good !
(Actually, I gradly welcome some corrections on the translation)