No rule to make target `OwlWare.bin' - OSX Mavericks

Ran into a slight problem while trying to make/make bin OwlWare as I am preparing to test out the Tannhauser compiler.

make: *** No rule to make targetOwlWare.bin', needed bybin'. Stop.

I am guessing this is something trivial and I just misunderstood the readme.

  • I checked out OwlWare and did git submodule init and git submodule update although it didn't show in the Terminal if it was successful or not. The Owl Patches folder is there though with loads of stuff in it.
  • gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1 is in the tools directory, and i've changed the Makefile.common to reflect the slightly different directory name (2014q1)
  • STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0 is in the Libraries directory

I am running OSX Mavericks 10.9.2

Hmm, sounds like you’ve done all the right things.

You could try ‘make clean all’, which might fix any messed-up dependencies (not that you should have any).

Have you got a folder called ‘Build’? Has it got lots of .o and .d files in it?

Sorry about late reply. Was not home nor with internet access for quite a while.
make clean all changes nothing. The Build folder is filled with .o and .d files though.

So I guess that error is a false alarm then?

Interesting, I moved the OwlWare folder to my home folder and then it seems to work. I am guessing some spaces or non english characters and such in the path were throwing make off a bit?

Ah yes, that could be it. I’ve just tried to rename the folder, adding a space, and I get a similar error.

The Makefile uses the current directory to construct the target name (in Makefile.common):
ELF=$(BUILD)/$(notdir $(CURDIR)).elf

To avoid problems you could change lines 2 and 3 to hardcode the targets:

