Owl + PureData : alpha-Test

Please read this news and let us know if you are interested in joining in!

This will be awesome for the Owl community!

Amazing. Haven’t used pd before (so won’t be a good alpha tester) but this will definitely get me interested in picking it up sometime. Looking forward to future releases.

Hey, I am in the alpha and also finally managed to get everything up and running. What is the most optimal place to submit bug reports? github or here? Or do you guys have some other place?

PS: It feels so weird to be running a PD patch inside this tiny little lovely thing! It blows my mind. Great job!

Thanks - we think it’s pretty cool, too!

Please use github if you can, it’s easier to track issues there.

hey, I have a faint memory of an e-mail or a link with information how to set up stuff for the alpha. I recently got a new computer and was getting back on track with the Owl and PD and I seem to have forgotten how to do it and misplaced that link/e-mail I used. Could someone link me up or send me that e-mail again? ( johannesg[at]johannesg.com)

email sent !

received. Thank you very much.