Parametric EQ Patch

Basic parametric EQ, with the classic 3 paremeters: frequency, Q, gain(dB)

#include "StompBox.h"

 * Biquad Parametric EQ filter class
class Biquad1 {
  Biquad1() : x1(0.0f), x2(0.0f), y1(0.0f), y2(0.0f) {}
  ~Biquad1() {}
  void setCoeffsPEQ(float normalizedFrequency, float Q, float dbGain) {
    // Compute the filters coefficients a[i] and b[i];
    float omega, c, alpha, d, gamma;
    omega = 2*M_PI*normalizedFrequency ;
    c = cosf(omega) ;
    alpha = sinf(omega)/(2*Q);
    d = powf(10,dbGain/40);
    gamma = alpha*powf(10,fabsf(dbGain)/40);
    a[0] = 1+gamma/d;
    a[1] = b[1]/a[0];
    a[2] = (1-gamma/d)/a[0];
    b[0] = (1+gamma*d)/a[0];
    b[1] = -2*c/a[0];
    b[2] = (1-gamma*d)/a[0];
    a[0] = 1.0;
  void process(int numSamples, float* input, float* out){
    // process a block of more than 2 samples. Basic implementation without coeffs interpolation.
    out[0] = b[0]*input[0]+b[1]*x1+b[2]*x2-a[1]*y1-a[2]*y2 ;
    out[1] = b[0]*input[1]+b[1]*input[0]+b[2]*x1-a[1]*out[0]-a[2]*y1 ;
    for (int i=2; i<numSamples; i++){
      out[i] = b[0]*input[i]+b[1]*input[i-1]+b[2]*input[i-2]-a[1]*out[i-1]-a[2]*out[i-2] ;
    // store values for next block
    x1 = input[numSamples-1];
    x2 = input[numSamples-2];
    y1 = out[numSamples-1];
    y2 = out[numSamples-2];
  float a[3] ; // ai coefficients
  float b[3] ; // bi coefficients
  float x1, x2, y1, y2 ; // state variables to compute samples

 * Parametric EQ OWL Patch
class ParametricEqPatch : public Patch {
  ParametricEqPatch() {
    peq.setCoeffsPEQ(getFrequency()/getSampleRate(), getQ(), getDbGain()) ;
  ~ParametricEqPatch() {}

  void processAudio(AudioInputBuffer &input, AudioOutputBuffer &output){
    // update filter coefficients
    float fn=getFrequency()/getSampleRate();
    float Q = getQ();
    float g= getDbGain();
    peq.setCoeffsPEQ(fn,Q,g) ;
    // get samples
    int size = input.getSize();
    float* inBuf = input.getSamples();
    float* outBuf = output.getSamples();
    // filter samples
    peq.process(size, inBuf, outBuf);
  Biquad1 peq ; // PEQ filter

  float getFrequency() {
    float f = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_A);
    // param_A = 0    <-> f=20;
    // param_A = 1    <-> f=20000;
    float g=2*powf(10,(3*f+1.0));
    return g;
  float getQ(){
    float q = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_B);
    // param_B = 0    <-> Q=0.5
    // param_B = 1    <-> Q=10
    return q*9.5+0.5;
  float getDbGain(){
    float linGain = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_C);
    // linGain = 0    <-> -15 dB
    // linGain = 0.5  <-> 0dB
    // linGain = 1    <-> 15dB
    return (linGain-0.5)*30;

Audio samples please!

This was the parametric EQ used in the Kickstarter video, on a bass guitar for instance.
But you are right, it would be a nice feature to get audio samples of each patch posted on the forum. Good point.

There are now a lot of audio examples on the website, in software/patch library.