Is it possible to do with PD a polyphonic patch that works in own modular? I tried using the classic poly , pack, route subroutine objects … but the compiler always refuses it.
Does heavy support those objects?
Looking at it seems yes, most of them. I don’t see subroutine
mentioned, though.
What’s your error message?
It does not seem to me that there are any special things, a very simple patch with standart objects: Error at line 185 is the error message that always gives me.
I think the problem is simply that you have parenthesis in your file name.
Try removing and adding the file without the spaces and parenthesis in the name (e.g. replace spaces with underscores).
I’ll add a ticket to remove invalid characters from uploaded files, but not sure how easy this will be to implement.
See Replace invalid characters in user uploaded file names · Issue #244 · pingdynasty/OwlServer · GitHub
Thanks Mars…now run:slight_smile: