I’ve been having a blast playing the other patches with a KMI Qunexus, but QuadSampler has me a little stuck. Can someone please explain QuadSampler in a bit more detail?
Is it 1mb split between all four samples, or 1mb for each sample?
What is the maximum length of sample that will play? Even when my samples are under the file size limit, the length seems to get cut off after a fraction of a second, and it seems there’s an audible click if the cut-off point happens to be non-zero, so I’d like to know where to manually fade out. before uploading.
It seems to be geared towards being a percussion engine. Another poly would be more useful to me, but I don’t understand how the voice rotation over MIDI works, so it seems the same sample needs to be uploaded to all four slots to be played that way? What note should the sample be to map correctly to MIDI notes?
Thanks in advance.