Replace stomp switch at OWL

I would like to replace the stomp switch which works silently when stomping. This clicking noise does not need. But It seems connecting cable with solder. Can I ask you to tell me any ideas for this issue?

Thank you

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You can see in the schematics how the OWL stereo true bypass circuit looks. It is a variation on what is known as the Millenium bypass. It uses a latching 4PDT switch.

Popular alternatives are buffered bypasses such as those used by Boss pedals, or relay-based solutions. What did you have in mind?

It seems that it is not made on the premise that it replace. It is troubled because it is soldered like this

I just hoped that there would be easily replaceable parts.
Thank you

Well I don’t think there is a click-less, latching, 4PDT switch that you can find to replace it with. AFAIK the options for click-less switches are either buffered or relay circuits.

If you do find a suitable drop-in replacement, it’s simply a case of replacing the wire link between the switch PCB and the analog PCB with wired connections to your switch. Let us know if you do.

Thanks mars.
I will let you know.