Sample sets?

Someone over at the patchblock site (sliderule) managed to squeeze code blocks of samples into the saved patches. Is sthg. like this thinkable/manageable with the OWl as well? What could be a roadmap?

Here’s one of Sliderule’s original posts - this also contains Python code to generate 8bit samples further below in the thread.


I’ve just posted a patch which lets you record and store 100ms of audio on your computer (in Pure Data) and retrigger from the OWL
Need to experiment with more / longer samples! Let me know if you’re able to do anything with it!


Yes I made a proof of concept sampler which embeds a short 32-bit sample.
I wasn’t sure how to publish it since you need a small utility to make the sample table.

The total size limit on a program is 64kB, so only short samples work this way.
Apparently you can also embed short samples in Pd patches using the array object.

In other news, I’m working on a storage system for the embedded flash memory which will allow you to save and load resources such as samples. I can’t promise when it will be ready, but it’s on its way!

Here’s the simple sampler:

The samples are 32bit floats in a C array created with this utility:

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