yop koza,
did you tried this procedure at http://hoxtonowl.com/wiki/Windows_drivers ?
An alpha version is currently in test. It is able to use patches that you “draw” with a software which uses a library called Pure Data, as in the following post (that you already know) :
You can download Pure Data at http://puredata.info and its manual at http://en.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/
Objects and messages of Pure Data are not all implemented. At http://tannhauserpd.section6.ch/static/objects.html you can find which ones you can use.
You can find 2 samples at OwlWare/Libraries/Tannhauser at tannlib · pingdynasty/OwlWare · GitHub
I’m currently testing it and began created Pure Data utility tools like :
- Audio Player to open file and test fx
- Dry Wet mixer
- Band Pass/Cut EQ
- Shelving EQ
and some more
For example, I already created 3 different type of equalizers with my own frequencies I like :
- 3 bands Lo-Hi-Mid + Volume
- 2 bands semi parametric LowMid-HiMid
- 2 bands baxandall-like Low-Hi + Mid factor + Volume
The baxandall-like is an EQ where Mid level is affected by Low and Hi level. When Low and Hi are low level Mid is high level and vice-versa. The factor knob indicates if its more or less affected by Low and Hi.
What I find cool is not to have the more original effect I can but to create the more personal effect I can.
I don’t know what was said on subscription but people are sharing materials through this forum and github.
And if you don’t know how to code you’ll have to rely on these people to create original effects for you and for firmwares to be available.
I also have some problem with some stock patches but I hope that they will vanish with software and firmware updates.