The owl is very neat and I’m excited to get going with it. I’ve just got some basic newb questions:
Compilation / banks:
I’ve successfully compiled via the web app and I download a sysex file, then when I choose “load patch from file” in the owlcontrol app, I choose either to store it into a user slot, or I choose to run the patch. Not sure I actually understand the difference there, as I have no idea how to scroll through patches while the owl is in standalone. Is there a way?
Is the owl supposed to make sound when the led light is green, and the patch reads the correct name in the drop-down menu?
Drop down:
Could you explain the drop-down menu? Maybe it’s a sort of bank of patches that you can store into the memory of the owl that is independent of a user library on disk? If so, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to switch these on the fly with the owl in standalone mode? Or maybe this is already implemented?
Is there a way to clear the contents of the pedal so that I can just fill it up with user presets?
Standalone / default behavior:
Is the owl “stateless” in the sense that when I power up it’s exactly where I left it? Or maybe exactly where I left it in the owlcontrol app?
If so, could someone please explain the process to me step by step regarding expectations of what should be happening? I read in another thread that the default patch can be saved by saving to a user slot, but that doesn’t totally click for me w/r/t what I should be doing to save the singular default preset that loads.
What is the “push” parameter? When I use it I find that it “kinda” works and kinda doesn’t… Many times I’ll push the push button LED and it turns red, and then all of the sudden I’m in another patch. Super weird.
Thank you!