all I’m getting is a lot of glitches. I’m not sure if i’ve done something wrong WRT stereo patches. If any OWL devs could take a look i’d appreciate it:
all I’m getting is a lot of glitches. I’m not sure if i’ve done something wrong WRT stereo patches. If any OWL devs could take a look i’d appreciate it:
ah… i forgot to change patches.cpp. hopefully that will fix it
Usually with ‘stereo-fying’ any patch, the main issue is with state variables.
Any variable or buffer which is persistent between calls to processAudio must typically be duplicated for each channel.
I reduced it to one comb filter and i no longer get glitching. Guess i have to optimise that.
I can’t seem to the right channel processing at all though. The Stereo mixer and mda stereo patches are silent too if i connect the right channel.
any ideas?
will have a look at that as soon as we release the next firmware / owlnest !
none of the stereo patches work for me with the new firmware. The right hand channel is always silent
What patches have you tried?
What happens if you plug your input into right in, output from right out, and use the gain patch - can you control the gain with knob A?
total silence. If i press the footswitch to bypass it i hear the signal.
firmware 04.003 - latest right?
yup, the latest firmware is 04.003
the stereo patches including mda stereo and stereo mixer work fine for us with this revision. this could be a hardware issue instead - can you drop us an email at and we’ll investigate this further.