Unable to update from Rev04-004 to V10 or later

H, after my pedal stopped responding completely (old hardware version rev04) during a gig. I had to do a reflash of the bootlader via the dfu-util (wires connected etc) and reflash firmware with owlnest. Pedal works now but, but now I’m unable to update any further to the V10…12 versions voa OwlControl?

any hints

Ouch, live breakdown!

What happens when you try to upgrade the firmware - do you get a message from the pedal?

basicly nothing, flashing bootloader and old firmware with owlnest worked flawlessly and pedal works in 04 mode. Trying to flash the sysex file with Owlcontrol leads to uploading, entering checksum and saying everything is fine, but pedal stays in 04 mode.
Bought the pedal secondhand, but had already v10 on it. The live-breakdown, I assume, happend due to very short usb connection and disconnetcion due to a faulty cable which also supported the pedal with current.

OwlNest uses DFU to flash the device directly with a .bin image. There’s an option within the program to download an image from our server. If you select the latest from the list, which I think is probably v10, then that will be downloaded for you and you can flash it.

You will need v10 to then use OwlControl, the new software, to upgrade again to a newer version.

Basically you’re fast-forwarding through 6 years of OWL development!

From v10 onwards the firmware itself first receives the flash update as MIDI sysex, verifies it against the checksum, then flashes the device. The advantages are both that we have a level of protection with the checksum, and that we can use MIDI instead of DFU as the upload link.

The latest devices we’re shipping (Alchemist and Wizard) have a new USB MIDI bootloader.

yes, that worked, but had a hard time to find the bin version, finally found https://hoxtonowl.com/wp-content/uploads/updates.xml and downloaded directly https://hoxtonowl.com/wp-content/uploads/OwlWare-v10-pedal.bin
maybe this info also helps somebody else . :wink: best Seppo

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