Upper Patch points?

Are the patch points in the top row of jacks the same as the others, but without the LED? Or is there anything else special about them? I’ve attempted to use them (as outputs) but must be missing something. I’ve tried addressing them as BA-BD, and also as Q-T, but no luck.

setParameterValue(PARAMETER_BA, SomeFloatBetweenZeroAndOne);

Hi @npauli,

It’s correct that parameter names are BA-BD in source code. Here’s what I’ve used for testing:

#ifndef __TestUpper_h__
#define __TestUpper_h__

#include "Patch.h"
#include "SineOscillator.h"

class TestUpperPatch : public Patch {
    SineOscillator lfo;

    TestUpperPatch() {
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_A, "Frequency");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_B, "Out1>");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_BA, "Out2>");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_BB, "Nothing>");

    void processAudio(AudioBuffer &buffer){
        float freq = 10 + getParameterValue(PARAMETER_A) * 5;
        float val = lfo.getNextSample() * 0.5f + 0.5f;
        setParameterValue(PARAMETER_B, val);
        setParameterValue(PARAMETER_BA, val);


I’ve confirmed that it works. As for quick access via left encoder menu, it only works when there’s a registered parameter. So in this case you can use R (which is actually BB) labeled as “Nothing>”, but not S. I think it works like that because by default parameters are inputs.

Also, generally it’s easier to use other patch methods for setting variables, i.e. .getIntParameter(), .getFloatParameter(). This lets you create a variable bound to parameter using scaling to specific range and smoothing.