Hi @mars and all,
As you know I’ve been working with the OWL modular for a while now. I really like the concept of the series of programmable devices RT has developed and a I will make sure I can back the ongoing Kickstarter campaign.
One thing I still couldn’t figure out though is if there actually was ever a solution to the disturbing noise/artifacts that occur when uploading and running a user patch. I can only get these to go away if I put the OWL into remote control mode.
I would really like to use the OWL in some demo videos in near future but if I have to operate it with OwlControl to make it happen it really kills the fun in it :).
I trust plenty of you guys are using the OWL in live scenarios with your own patches so maybe I’m just missing the point on how to fix it. Numerous attempts trying to with FW v12 and 14 plus resetting and saving to OWL have not fixed the problem. Any help to set this issue aside finally would be appreciated and I apologize if I missed some solution mentioned in any older thread.