It should be possible to update Faust though, don’t you think? Haven’t tried it myself (in this context) but I’ve done both “sudo apt install faust” on Ubuntu as well as building it from source a few times. For reference, I’ve only tried it in the last few months with an Owl Modular so don’t have any perspective on the Lich.
anybody knows what’s going on ? not being accessible is quite unfortunate
Not a clue @per , but its pretty annoying, isn’t it! Hopefully just is everyone is on vacation or something (or at Synth East?) - and that it doesn’t mean the end of RebelTech and all the their product support
My fingers are crossed!
Yeah I hope this doesn’t go the way of Axoloti, where the site + forums disappeared without any message/warning from the dev.
Luckily these forums are still up, but unfortunately the RebelTech site and patch-library are not particularly robust and this downtime happens quite regularly.
is there a repository where all the patches are collected which were available through the rebeltech/patches website ? ( i think there were approximately 400 patches )
They are stored on their server (that is down at the moment), there’s no version control for them so there can’t be an actual repo. Also, it’s possible that some of them won’t build as is due to C++ API changes over years (it’s usually backwards compatible, but likely not in 100% cases).
It wouldn’t be too hard to download all patch binaries once the library is back as their URLs can be extracted from a single JSON file IIRC. Flashing patches requires sending a few extra Sysex commands first to specify that it should be flashed in a specific slot, etc. I actually considered making an utility to do exactly that (sync patch binaries from OWL server to local machine and allow flashing them to a connected device). Not sure if this outage will be enough to motivate me to finish this
Btw, I’ve send messages to Martin & Manu about this 3 days ago - no response yet, but I guess someone will end up restoring server next week.
Oh, this could be a dream! Someone set the an offline environment on a virtual machine and share it! [inserting Fry from Futurama saying “shut up and take my money”]
You might get somewhere with this initial try. It works for my Faust patches on Lich at least…
Website is back up, apologies for the outage.
Btw the web application that is the patch library is here: GitHub - RebelTechnology/OwlServer: Web-based Client/Server application for the Open Ware Laboratory
I was experimenting with a Docker Compose file that would bring up the whole website in containerised form, but it still has a bunch of hardcoded credentials that I’d have to extract before sharing. And Docker Compose doesn’t play very nicely with AWS, or the other way around, so I never got around to finishing it as a better way of deploying the site. At the moment the whole website (wordpress, mysql, mongo, nodejs) is hosted on a single EC2 instance which is 1. not resilient and 2. hard to beat on price.
@mars: can you point me to all versions of the various components involved on the site. E.g. version of gcc, Faust, … I’m trying to build an offline version (see GitHub - yrn1/owlbuilder), but I can’t exactly reproduce the behaviour of my Faust patches with that of the online version. E.g. either some features don’t work because my Faust is too old, or my Lich spews garbage, because a newer Faust is not compatible. Any pointers would be great.
FAUST Version 2.30.5
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
I have an urgent modification that I’d like to do to the patches on my OWL Pedal - is there any alternative to the website given that it’s down?
Moved this discussion to thread made during last site outage where everything has been discussed
thank you! what the hell happened? Why does this thing keep going down