What does [s valueknobA] (or B, C, D) do? {solved}

Sorry for the noob question.

From what I can understand while using parts of the default Lich Pure Data template patch [r Pot_A @owl A] receives a sum of the voltage data from potentiometer A and its CV input. I can connect that output directly to [s CV_OUT_1 @owl F] and that alone seems to work - the output at CV OUT 1 is a positive range voltage based on the knob A level summed with the attenuated CV input.

So my question is what does [s valueknobA] do? Where does it “send” to? Thanks.

It sends it to… “valueknobA”! That’s not specific to OWL, just an example of sending to arbitrary object in your patch. So you can use whatever name you want instead.

Have you checked the recent PD videos for Lich? I think they should answer a lot of questions you may have.

Gotcha. Thanks.
Yes, I have watched the videos but maybe I missed something. I’ve already published six new patches and am looking forward to making more. Thanks again.

You probably could combine them into a more generic patch with logical function determined by parameter value. Or actually multiple outputs could be computed - there’s nothing preventing you from outputting gates from CV or audio outputs.

Yep, already working on it!

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You can put [r valueknobA] somewhere else in your Pd patch and it will receive the value. And without the @owl attribute, it will not be assigned to any hardware inputs or outputs.

Yes, I understand now. Because it was included in the default patch, I wrongly assumed it may have been a reserved term for the hardware module, not noticing that it didn’t have the OWL attribute.