I’m on a MacBook Pro M1, and forgot an audio interface to record the Witch. It looks like it should be able to transmit audio via USB, though, and I can’t figure out how to get this. In Cubase 12, I see no audio device option for the Witch, or inputs or anything. The Witch browser configuration works and detects the device.
I know this is a very specific question, so not sure if anyone is able to help.
Does no one use this thing anymore? Am I that late to the party?
Basically, if there’s a running patch and you see the device in the browser, this must be some kind of MacOs issue, not related to OWL itself. I’ve specifically mentioned a running patch, because the bootloader mode is MIDI-only (no audio device). Also, this is assuming that you have updated firmware, because USB audio support was an area that had some major updates while OWL was still actively developed.
If you want it badly, you could consider setting up dual boot with Linux as that’s the least problematic platform in this case.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll first make sure I have the latest firmware installed and report back.