Wwise DLL and XML files


I’m trying to upload a Pd patch to compile it in Heavy to get a DLL and XML file for use in the Wwise plugins folder, but when I download the compiled patch I only get Cpp files. Is there a step I’m missing?


It sounds like you’re looking for a replacement to the old Enzien Audio service. But this web patcher is not intended to replace that service. It is using Heavy to compile PD into C++ patches for OWL, not other platforms.

You should probably use the original Heavy compiler on your desktop to generate other targets.

Actually we do support this. You just need to select compilation type Heavy, instead of pd.

@DeLt4 if you go to your patch page and click the ‘+’ sign next to your source code file name, then you’ll get the patch compilation details form. Here you can change the compilation type to heavy. Recompile, and you should get a zip file download link.

@DeLt4 rereading your question again, sorry! I see you’ve already done this, but you’re missing the Windows DLL.

We don’t produce these on our end, because we don’t have Windows and Mac machines to compile with. Only the Heavy pre-compilation stage is done by our backend. So you need to compile the c++ files you get yourselves.

Does that mean that online compiler sets more targets than the default “HEAVYARGS ?= -g c …” suggests? Maybe PD docs should have a note that generating sources for other platforms are supported.

With a bit of troubleshooting I managed to get the offline version of Heavy compiling Wwise DLL and XML files, I just had to figure out the proper syntax for the command line prompt. Thank you for taking the time to respond to the post however!