I followed https://github.com/RebelTechnology/OwlProgram to install everything locally on a Mac M1. I made sure that I had gcc-arm-none-eabi 12, not 13, as pointed out by @antisvin (thanks for that, would have cost me a lot of time if you didn’t mention this!).
Building Faust patches seems to work just fine, but if I load them on the Lich, then nothing but noise erupts from it. I don’t mean ‘the patch sounds noisy’. I mean: there is nothing even recognizable in the patch, it is only hard irregular noise. The same patches work just fine on the rebeltech.org online version btw, but since it is down I’m trying locally.
There is another thread about the online version using an older version of Faust (Faust anti-aliased library error?). Could that be the same issue? If so, any way to resolve this?
Here’s an example of the code I’m trying:
declare name "DubDelay";
declare description "Pitch shifting delay with filter";
minDelay = 436;
maxDelay = 96000;
timeCtrl = hslider("Time[OWL:A]", 12000, minDelay, maxDelay, 1) : si.smoo;
feedbackCtrl = hslider("Feedback[OWL:B]", 0.9, 0, 1.2, 0.0001);
filterCenterCtrl = hslider("EQCenter[OWL:C]", 4, 0, 9, 0.0001);
filterHalfWidthCtrl = hslider("EQWidth[OWL:D]", 4, 0.1, 4, 0.0001);
limiter = ma.tanh;
delay = de.fdelayltv(8, maxDelay, timeCtrl);
filterLowest = 65.41;
filterLow = filterLowest * 2^(filterCenterCtrl - filterHalfWidthCtrl) : min(15000) : max(filterLowest);
filterHigh = filterLowest * 2^(filterCenterCtrl + filterHalfWidthCtrl) : min(16000) : max(filterLowest + 30);
filter = fi.bandpass(1, filterLow, filterHigh);
filterdelay = (+ ~ (limiter : delay : filter : *(feedbackCtrl))) : *(0.9);
process = _,_ : filterdelay,filterdelay : _,_;