I have a second hand Klasmata - I would love to know how to use it!!! Is there a manual? Or some simple notes on it?
Copied from our email conversation:
Firstly there’s the product information on our website:
and because Klasmata is one half of a Stoicheia with added CV control it is worth looking at that page, too.
The simpler overview:
From top down, the first three knobs do exactly the same as a single side of Stoicheia: Rotation, Length, and Fills.
The next two set the CV level for Length and Fills respectively, with lines drawn to the corresponding CV input, and up to the corresponding manual control knob.
To get started, set Rotation, Length and Fills to the middle position. Add a clock trigger into the clock input, and use the trigger output to trigger something. You should now have triggers at roughly half the clock rate. Use Fills to adjust the number of triggers in a cycle, and Length to change the overall cycle length.
Now add a CV input into Fills: this can be a slow LFO or just about anything. As you turn up the Fills CV attenuator (bottom knob) you will hear the CV modulate more and more the number of triggers in the cycle. Length CV works the same way.
There’s also this video tutorial which might be useful