Phoreo Kit fault finding


i got the kit for Christmas and put the LED in, in reverse.

Everything works now except burst and the burst LED.

I’ve re-flowed everything.

I’m thinking the most likely cause is a fried 2N3904 in Q701, does that sound right?

I have a couple of spare transistors here but thought I’d ask about before diving in.



Hi Dave,

Are you getting nothing on the Repeat output then?

The LEDs are controlled by independent MCU pins so the reverse LED should not have any effect on the rest of the circuit. And the transistors are pretty hardy, so if it is in the right way then it should be okay.

Have you got a scope or multimeter to check the signals on the board?
I would have a look at REPOUT coming from the MCU (measure at MCU pin 16), make sure there is activity there when the module is on and you are feeding a clock into MULIN.

And check R701, R702, R703, R704.

Failing that maybe Thonk can give better support, they do the kits for us!